The Human Ai Institute®

The Human Ai Institute®

Think Tanks

The purpose of the Human Ai Institute® is to share knowledge, insight, ideas & challenge in the Human-centric Ai space

About us

This purpose of this group is to gather & exchange knowledge, insight, ideas & challenges in the Human-centric Ai (Artificial intelligence) space. Some of this will ultimately serve to inform & pro-actively shape global policies, where necessary, Regulation by addressing Human rights & Fundamental rights issues that are impacted by emerging Artificial intelligence, Neurotechnology and Robotics technologies. We are coming from an ethics & value-driven perspective and are looking at developing Human-centric Ai governance frameworks. The Human AI Institute is a proud founding member of the United Nations University AI Network (UNU AI Network):

Think Tanks
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2-10 employees



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    View profile for Richard Foster-Fletcher 🌎, graphic
    Richard Foster-Fletcher 🌎 Richard Foster-Fletcher 🌎 is an Influencer

    Executive Chair at | LinkedIn Top Voice | Professional Speaker, Advisor on; Artificial Intelligence + GenAI + Ethics + Sustainability

    "So, what new jobs will AI create?" "Well, Prompt Engineer." Oh really? Let's take a look then... It's been 17 months since ChatGPT hit the scene, and what do we have? Just two vague 'Prompt Engineer' job listings on Google—jobs that hardly seem real after a closer look. IMO, we need to cut through the noise around AI and the future of jobs. When I asked ChatGPT whether "Prompt Engineer" was a legitimate career path, it said: "Considering 'AI prompt engineering' as a standalone career isn't just impractical—it's narrow. It's a niche within broader, more robust AI roles that demand a complex blend of technical skills and ethical judgment. Standing on prompt engineering alone won't cut it for career longevity in this swift-evolving AI landscape." We desperately need a deeper conversation about the future of work. This week, at the LinkedIn Impact Summit, Ryan Roslansky pitched the old line that AI will create new jobs because "the internet did." Sorry, Ryan, but that's not going to fly. And it’s not just Ryan; this echo can be heard far and wide: AI will magically spawn new jobs because, well, 'technology' always does. Is this a statement, or a prayer?? I'm genuinely excited about AI's potential to help us achieve more. However, this will only materialise with well-thought-out strategies involving solid legislation, grassroots innovation, sensible tax incentives, IP protection, reskilling efforts, and open-source platforms. These actions could use the AI dividend to broaden opportunities for many more. Yet, we'll miss the mark entirely if we keep recycling the same old "AI will create jobs—we don't know which ones, but trust us, it will" narrative. Enough with "just trust us." We need an urgent, meaningful, real debate on AI and jobs. Get this right and we'll never need to talk about *UBI again. The first published dialogue about AI and the future of jobs will be out from - I will keep the draft open until next week for your comments here #ArtificialIntelligence #CareerDevelopment #TechnologyTrends *Universal Basic Income (UBI)—where overlords of AI dole out 'tokens' to the redundant masses.

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    🤝 Meet the Working Group Members of the DPI Safeguards Initiative 🛡️ 🌐 Anir Chowdhury is the Policy Advisor of the a2i Programme of the ICT Division and the Cabinet Division of the Government of Bangladesh, supported by UNDP. ⭐ He leads the formation of a whole-of-society innovation ecosystem in Bangladesh through massive technology deployment, extensive capacity development, integrated policy formulation, whole-of-government institutional reform, and an Innovation Fund. 💡 His work on innovation in public service has developed interesting and replicable models of service delivery decentralization, public-private partnerships, and transformation of a traditional bureaucracy into a forward-looking, citizen-centric service provider. #SafeDPI

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    bias-by-commercial-design? 🤔

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    Senior Director, Content Protection at Wiley

    Quote: "The Preferred Publisher Program (PPP) has five primary components, according to the deck. First, it is available only to “select, high-quality editorial partners,” and its purpose is to help ChatGPT users more easily discover and engage with publishers’ brands and content. Additionally, members of the program receive priority placement and “richer brand expression” in chat conversations, and their content benefits from more prominent link treatments. Finally, through PPP, OpenAI also offers licensed financial terms to publishers. The financial incentives participating publishers can expect to receive are grouped into two buckets: guaranteed value and variable value. Guaranteed value is a licensing payment that compensates the publisher for allowing OpenAI to access its backlog of data, while variable value is contingent on display success, a metric based on the number of users engaging with linked or displayed content. The resulting financial offer would combine the guaranteed and variable values into one payment, which would be structured on an annual basis.  “The PPP program is more about scraping than training,” said one executive. “OpenAI has presumably already ingested and trained on these publishers’ archival data, but it needs access to contemporary content to answer contemporary queries.” In return for these payments, OpenAI would gain two benefits.  It would have the ability to train on a publisher’s content and the license to display that information in ChatGPT products, complete with attribution and links. It would also get to announce the publisher as a preferred partner and work with them to build out these experiences. According to the deck, publisher participation in PPP creates a better experience for OpenAI users, which will help shift engagement toward browsing, i.e. queries that result in responses with links. Roughly 25% of ChatGPT users already use the browse function, but the company expects that a majority of users will do so once the feature is broadly rolled out. If more users engage with publishers’ links, the media companies could earn larger payments for their variable value. (...) In the hover treatment, which is available today, OpenAI will hyperlink keywords in its responses to search queries. The links appear as blue text and reveal a clickable tab when moused over.  In the anchor treatment, branded, clickable buttons appear below ChatGPT’s response to a user query. And the in-line product inserts a pullquote into the text of ChatGPT’s response, whose font is larger and includes a clickable, branded link.  All three content display products seek to cite the publishers whose writing is being used to answer the search query, although the setup will likely lead fewer users to visit publishers’ websites." Source:

    Leaked Deck Reveals OpenAI's Pitch on Publisher Partnerships

    Leaked Deck Reveals OpenAI's Pitch on Publisher Partnerships

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    The UN Civil Society Conference is underway in Nairobi, Kenya, with activists, advocates and other civil society representatives from around the world sharing their perspectives and solutions to solve today’s global challenges. This international forum is highlighting the importance of the meaningful participation of all sectors of society in decision-making at all levels. Nearly 3,000 people from over 140 countries are discussing ways to protect #OurCommonFuture through concrete #ClimateAction measures, gender equality policies, sustainable development initiatives and more. Find out more:

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    Data protection, security, AI / ML governance, risk, and compliance

    Anyone fancy airgapped ChatGPT? US secret services have one. According to this article and Kim Zetter: "Most generative AIs use the cloud, but US intel community wanted ability to run queries on classified info and not have it leak to the cloud or get hacked. "it’s on a special network that’s only accessible by the US government"" Their risk profile is not your risk profile (well, mostly), but worth reverse engineering all the reasons why they justified spend on this allegedly pristine and super secure instance. We have a ways to go to refine our generative AI threat and risk profiles.

    Microsoft Creates Top Secret Generative AI Service for US Spies

    Microsoft Creates Top Secret Generative AI Service for US Spies

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